Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I spent my whole day with Eve, until I showed her a plant and she went all crazy and shut down, with this flashing thing on her. I used some lights I found to pull Eve around and tried to re-charge her, but nothing seemed to work. And then the GIANT machine that brought her here came and picked her up, while I was working. I followed it and was just about to reach Eve when it took off, and the next thing I noticed I was holding on for my life, and I was taken to a strange place. In this place there were many people floating around on the hoover things. Everyone there looked at me like I was different; it felt really weird to be around people, so I wanted to make friends and introduced myself.
I even met the captain; he made Eve come back to life. I was extremely happy when I saw her but I couldn’t talk to her because she had to give the captain the plant I gave her to prove that earth is survivable.

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