Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I spent my whole day with Eve, until I showed her a plant and she went all crazy and shut down, with this flashing thing on her. I used some lights I found to pull Eve around and tried to re-charge her, but nothing seemed to work. And then the GIANT machine that brought her here came and picked her up, while I was working. I followed it and was just about to reach Eve when it took off, and the next thing I noticed I was holding on for my life, and I was taken to a strange place. In this place there were many people floating around on the hoover things. Everyone there looked at me like I was different; it felt really weird to be around people, so I wanted to make friends and introduced myself.
I even met the captain; he made Eve come back to life. I was extremely happy when I saw her but I couldn’t talk to her because she had to give the captain the plant I gave her to prove that earth is survivable.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Today I woke up to start another day of cleaning up the earth, but after a long day at work I decided to go home. However when I was just about to go inside to relax i found a red dot. I want to pick it up, but it kept moving no matter how fast I chased it or how quickly I grabbed it. The dot finally stopped but from one tiny dot a GIANT machine appeared above it, out came the most interesting robot "eve" with the bluest eyes, and the funniest laugh. Our day was everything from her almost blowing my, to pieces to her blowing my mind. I pretty much followed her around ever since she arrived in a giant floating machine. I showed her my place she kind of destroyed everything, but I didn't care. We watched my favorite movie and right as i was about to reach for her hand, i found an interesting spec of dirt on the floor (or so i thought she would think i was doing and not trying to reach for her hand).